ࡱ> egf;( / 0LDTimes New Roman1|d0|Wo 0X ` .  @n?" dd@  @@`` 1*      !"#$%&'()*c $@7uʚ;2Nʚ;g43d3d0pppp@ <4!d!d 0,2<4dddd 0,2 6STATE OF REPORTINGPEOPLESOFT INSTITUTIONSAGENDA Higher Education Reporting Issues Recommendations from PAG PeopleSoft Delivered Reporting Reporting Platforms Utilized by Other Institutions ,'!Higher Education Reporting Issues PeopleSoft Higher Education Product Advisory Group (PAG) held conference calls on reporting issues and the following five themes summarize the functional-area perspectives on reporting. !Higher Education Reporting Issues7Reporting is an essential component of all PeopleSoft systems, but PeopleSoft does not provide adequate reporting solutions to higher education customers Many of the delivered reports currently provided are of limited value because they are inflexible, not well documented, and not linked to record-level detail!Higher Education Reporting IssuesReporting Solutions must support institutional customization and ad hoc reporting needs Many, perhaps most, customers meet their reporting needs by creating data structures designed to support reporting with a variety of user friendly tools#Higher Education Reporting Issues The lack of delivered reporting solutions means that PeopleSoft customers devote duplicative effort to building campus-specific solutions to common problems-(!Higher Education Reporting IssuesB The following four recommendations address these common problems. Recommendations PeopleSoft should deliver as part of each ERP application fully documented data structures to support flexible end user reporting with a variety of tools, integrated across systems, and supported by row level security RecommendationsTo accommodate different budgets, PeopleSoft should provide data structures for reporting by offering customers a choice between purchasing 1. The data mappings and documentation for institutional use, 2. An installed structure plus delivered reporting solutions  RecommendationsPeopleSoft should provide reports that are fully documented, customizable, and extensible, with all summary data linked to record level detail Recommendations PeopleSoft should convene a focus group in each functional area to identify common management reporting needs, review the delivered reports currently offered, and recommend the addition, improvement, and discontinuation of specific reports  Identified Issues by PAGYReporting Data Structures Tools Data Documentation Delivered Reports Customized Reporting Reporting Data Structures 1Several institutions initially designed reporting strategies that began with the use of delivered reports and transaction-system data Moved to the development of reporting data structures providing power, simplicity, flexibility, speed, and an integrated approach to routine reporting and ad hoc analysis  12 Reporting Data Structures&Most of the data structures (warehouses) customers have developed use third party tools such as Brio, Cognos, Access, SAS Customers that have not developed formal data warehouses, create data extracts that  flatten and reorganize transaction-system data to support reporting Reporting Data StructuresData Extracts are created using tools such as Access to avoid the limitations of PSQuery and the technical difficulty of SQR Limitations of local reporting systems Time and technical expertise required to develop Maintenance through upgrades&NN ToolsLimitations of delivered reporting tools PSQuery performance problems, complex joins nVision difficult to use for large scale reports SQR required technical expertise, printer formats h* */4*Data DocumentationLack of data dictionary and data mappings impedes the development of institutional reporting solutions and the use of delivered reports Data derivation of delivered reports is not understood Data structure not available to Query users&ccDelivered ReportsLack of standard operational reports required by all institutions Audit reports such as imbalance between student financials and general ledger Reports to track students on payment plans Budget to actual comparisons Reports to track student status changes&BBDelivered ReportsSeveral delivered reports are of limited value and all are virtually useless without customization Do not meet reporting needs Do not provide accurate data Lack of ability to drill down to record level Lack of documentation 2c}c~Customized Reportingj90% of reporting needs are ad hoc Recommend PeopleSoft develop Customizable queries to be used for standard management questions Development of tools to empower non-technical users to run these queries Develop reporting systems that optimize electronic report distribution via desktop Develop an efficient row-level security system to support these applications.?Z,Z?, ParticipantsStony Brook ŷڱƵ ŷڱƵ of Alberta Indiana ŷڱƵ ŷڱƵ of Kansas Northwestern ŷڱƵ College of Lake County ŷڱƵ of Queensland ŷڱƵ of Kentucky.) ParticipantsfBryn Mawr University of Wisconsin  Whitewater Texas Christian University Western Michigan University University of Wisconsin System University of St. Thomas Syracuse University Recommended PublicationDPeopleSoft HRMS Reporting Critical guide to how PeopleSoft works behind the scenes Author: Adam T. Bromwich Publisher: Prentice Hall How to extract data-the first time Avoid costly mistakes arising from enterprise-wide implementation Covers HR, Benefits, Payroll and more Master the SQR language to create robust reports<Z9ZZ+PeopleSoft HRMSHR application has market dominance Written by HR professionals Reflects a best practices mentality Provides applications necessary for making customizations (People Tools)PeopleSoft HRMS Two main components HR application actual programs used to manage HR such as recruit workforce, position management, administer workforce People Tools tools that write, compile, and  read the languageLZZhZ Z4ZPeopleSoft HRMSApplication Designer principal tool for modifying the PeopleSoft delivered package allows programmer to to add, modify, delete, view tables, panels, fields, and menusPeopleSoft HRMSAll of the information in the PeopleSoft database is stored in different tables Definition of a table is mirrored in Application Designer Allows user to see a list of fields that make up the table Double clicking the fields will yield the field definitions&wwPeopleSoft HRMSPeopleSoft is designed to be customized Customization is risky path to take Tendency to over customize Can affect processing, delivered reports, maintenance is a burden&L]L]PeopleSoft HRMSHRMS database has over 5,000 tables Data is stored once for data integrity Each release spreads the data thinner which requires more tables Multiple tables makes the database more efficient but has the opposite effect on user attempting to extract the data PeopleSoft HRMS:Users need to find data when and where they need it Most queries against the database require at least a 7-table join for basic information Knowing where to find each data element and how to link them together is NOT common knowledge It is critical to understand which tables are the core sources of information *9; PeopleSoft HRMS75 tables contain the most commonly used data in PeopleSoft HRMS Six basic types of tables Must know what you are looking for Tables that come before a functional process Tables used during the process Tables populated with the results of the process l~~!'!PeopleSoft HRMSTables contain different types of keys that are needed in reporting Tables have required fields Translate Values Effective Dating Users must understand the structure of the database in order to be able to extract data#PeopleSoft HRMSTo facilitate reporting PeopleSoft provides Views and Reporting Tables Views take fields from several tables and combines into one table Over 1,500 views come delivered with PeopleSoft 6,t$PeopleSoft HRMSNot the end all be all of reporting Limitations Degrade performance Hide the underlying data from the user Links may not be appropriate for desired reporting R$ t t% PeopleSoft HRMSaAdvantages Simplify the database Solves problem of linking tables Modifications are not necessary& W W&!PeopleSoft HRMSReporting Tables similar to views but table links are performed once a day principal advantage is performance PeopleSoft provides 3 reporting tables:s'"PeopleSoft HRMSReporting table limitation Data is not always current Not all of the employees are in the table Some of the fields are missing Customizations must be duplicated Certain status cannot be detected Effective dating is misleading (#PeopleSoft HRMSPeopleSoft recommends organizations create their own reporting table Allows addition of new fields Customized to meet unique reporting needs&EHEH)$$Platforms Used by Other Institutions Due to complexity of database structure other institutions have developed reporting platforms outside the delivered PeopleSoft solution Forged new partnership with IT community Created data warehouse, data marts, that contain denormalized data (mm*%Other Reporting Platforms/Most commonly used tools Brio Cognos Access SAS0+&What Next for UMEnlist the assistance of IT community Users need access to data that is denormalized Users need a tool that matches reporting needs and skill level Users need training on the tool ALL I WANT IS A REPORT!!!!!2ZZ( ` ` ̙33` 333MMM` ff3333f` f` f` 3>?" dd@,|?" dd@   " @ ` n?" dd@   @@``PR    @ ` ` p>> f(    6e P  T Click to edit Master title style! !  0\h   RClick to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level!     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KochTI Linda Kochc28dMicrosoft PowerPointP@@''@l@w"Gbg  "& &&#TNPP2OMiR & TNPP &&TNPP    --- !---&G&/gw@ IwIw0- &Gy& --iyH-- @Times New RomanIwIw0- ."2 ASTATE OF REPORTING!#+#$+'$!+'#+*.--Q1-- @Times New RomanIwIw0- .2 ^ PEOPLESOFT. .2 O INSTITUTIONS.--"ŷڱƵ 0-&TNPP &՜.+,0    %On-screen ShowWWU) +Times New RomanDefault DesignSTATE OF REPORTINGAGENDA "Higher Education Reporting Issues"Higher Education Reporting Issues"Higher Education Reporting Issues$Higher Education Reporting Issues "Higher Education Reporting IssuesRecommendations RecommendationsRecommendationsRecommendations Identified Issues by PAGReporting Data Structures Reporting Data StructuresReporting Data StructuresToolsData DocumentationDelivered ReportsDelivered ReportsCustomized Reporting Participants ParticipantsRecommended PublicationPeopleSoft HRMSPeopleSoft HRMS PeopleSoft HRMSPeopleSoft HRMSPeopleSoft HRMSPeopleSoft HRMSPeopleSoft HRMSPeopleSoft HRMSPeopleSoft HRMSPeopleSoft HRMSPeopleSoft HRMSPeopleSoft HRMSPeopleSoft HRMSPeopleSoft HRMSPeopleSoft HRMS%Platforms Used by Other InstitutionsOther Reporting PlatformsWhat Next for UM  Fonts UsedDesign Template Slide Titles)"_͓ Linda KochLinda Koch  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIKLMNOPQSTUVWXY[\]^_`adRoot EntrydO)Current UserZSummaryInformation(JPowerPoint Document(DocumentSummaryInformation8RRoot EntrydO)h@Current User>SummaryInformation(JPowerPoint Document(  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIKLMNOPQSTUVWXYd"_͓ Bob MullenBob Mullen