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Information SourcestŷڱƵ of Wisconsin (Kathy Luker, Consultant in the Office of Quality Improvement) College of Lake County (Nancy McNerney, Asst VP for Institution Effectiveness and Planning) Trinity College (Gwen Stengel, Technology Solutions Specialist) ŷڱƵ of Alberta (Bill Cairns, Dir Information Development) Indiana ŷڱƵ (Cheryl Stine, Office of VP Information Tec) >QLInformation SourcesŷڱƵ of Kansas (Ryan Cherland, Dir of Univ Information Management/Assoc Dir of Inst Research) ŷڱƵ of Minnesota (Shelly Diers, Assoc Dir Information Solutions) PAG link to shared data models http://www.trincoll.edu/~gstengel/t SNŷڱƵ of WisconsinLive with SA for three years, first PS package and began at Madison campus Early adapter, thought PS would come with reports, wrong Query tool wasn t a solution, couldn t run against production systemŷڱƵ of WisconsinPrior to PS had 10 years of experience with data warehouse First year live in PS, didn t have any reports After first year, redesigned warehouse views to PS structure, populated with PS data End user committee developed and enhanced views to meet user needs ŷڱƵ of WisconsinNow have developed web site distribution of data info based on security Brioquery and MicroSoft Access Next project, retention data views back to 1985 Wish list of data view projects Quote   PeopleSoft is a transaction system, not a reporting system >H  a 2 College of Lake County*Live with SA since 2000 Restricted by budget, no reporting plan, community college Quote   If we can t get the students into the system, no use trying to count Created huge extract files (200 data items per student) Used SPSS as tool to get data out, good for 90% of reports  College of Lake CountyZPeopleSoft product  RDS  same as extract file, no history data, cost, some problems, not supported by PS DePaul, Minnesota and Cornell have had success with data warehouse  Trinity CollegeUses Cognos reporting tool, see session at the HUEG TCDART  Trinity College Data Analysis Reporting Tool Cognos PowerPlay module also used at Northwestern and Georgetown More information at http://tcdart.trincoll.edu b_LŷڱƵ of AlbertaToo complex to report from Peoplesoft, 6,000+ tables, transaction system Decided to separate data for reporting from the base system Purchased PeopleSoft s Reporting Data Service (RDS) and the Operational Data Store as well as other packages, ninth institution to purchase them Due to budget constraints, have not progressed very far with RDS , j  ŷڱƵ of AlbertaCurrently using Cognos DecisionStream as the ETL tool (extraction-transformation-loading) to populate their data mart Using Cognos PowerPlay and Impromptu for web and desktop clients Recommends Cognos, but also thinks Brio is goodbW 6  ŷڱƵ of AlbertaPeopleSoft is moving toward a solution, new Enterprise Performance Management, now called Enterprise Data Warehouse Quote   we need to free the data from the shackles of the OLTP systems so that we can play with it   Indiana ŷڱƵOnly Admissions in production, using Oracle pl/spl scripts to build tables for reporting Tables are also available for data extracts via an IU written web application Recently purchased PeopleSoft RDS, installing next month Will use RDS tables as their data warehouse reporting tables, adding their own security and customizations Will continue to use SQR for reporting tool until can purchase ad-hoc reporting tool ,/  ŷڱƵ of KansasCurrently live with Admissions, student records going live in March, 8.0 Legacy used DEMIS (Department Executive Management Information ŷڱƵ) DEMIS system has web front end with datamarts underneath HR and Finance have moved to datamarts , (  ŷڱƵ of Kansas"For student, purchased PS RDS, gives a good start to creating datamarts Will continue to use DEMIS for web front end and reporting, extracting with RDS Using RDS structure, will add column for census data and rebuild historical information, don t need to reinvent structure> ŷڱƵ of KansasPeopleSoft RDS - $120,000, Cognos DecisionStream - $20,000, hardware, installation time three weeks, and have to do customizations RDS is a good start, saves time, but your cost is buying the mapping,  gets the job done $ ŷڱƵ of Minnesota+http://dw.umn.edu/ Home grown web interface!0Summary observations%Reporting should not be done against the production instance, nor against a copy if at all possible A datamart or data warehouse has been the route of choice for successful institution reporting Web interfaces for distributed reporting PeopleSoft RDS for possible mapping assistance, but costs,f } / Questions?     ` 333WcL+᷷Ҫ` 333WcL+᷷Ҫ` 999>?" dd@2?l2d@ " d@ ` n?" dd@   @@``@n?" dd@  @@``PR    @ ` ` p>> ~v(    s *a   T Click to edit Master title style! !   c $c   RClick to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level!     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Fonts UsedDesign Template Slide Titles#_a 5Laura StollLaura Stoll  !"#$%&'()*+,-./02345678:;<=>?@BCDEFGHKRoot EntrydO)Current UserASummaryInformation(1PowerPoint Document(6aDocumentSummaryInformation89