Transactions are posted each business day into the MyWallet feature of the PeopleSoft T&E module. Cardholders or their assigned Delegate, must move the transactions into an Expense Report (ER) in a timely manner. The Cardholder must also provide a matching receipt for each charge, and in some cases, additional documentation. For details, please refer to the One Card Procedures.
Cardholder Entry Delegates may be appointed to complete the reconciliation process within PeopleSoft on a Cardholder's behalf. They can be assigned two different ways within PeopleSoft T&E:
For more information on either method you may reference the training guide, starting on page 131, to view the Setting Up an Entry Delegate topic.
Reconciliation Training
Accounts Payable Shared Services (APSS) offers a mix of Instructor Led Training and on-line training guides to walk you through the reconciliation and approval process. These options are as follows:
Reviewed 2024-03-13