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310.025 Extension of Probationary Period for Faculty on Regular Term Appointment

Executive Order No. 26, 3-18-94; Amended 2-9-17; Amended 4-2-18; Amended 5-31-18.

  1. Faculty members who encounter circumstances which may substantially interrupt their ability to make progress toward tenure may request a one-year extension of the tenure probationary period. Possible reasons for granting an extension of the probationary period include, but are not limited to, pregnancy, serious illness, or care of an invalid or seriously ill spouse, partner, parent, child, or other close dependent. Other reasons may be considered.
  2. Extensions shall be requested by formal written request to the Chancellor. A one-year extension of the tenure probationary period will be granted by the Chancellor upon request if during the probationary period the faculty member takes family and medical leave in excess of six weeks. In all other cases, Chancellors shall have discretion to grant extensions of the tenure probationary period after consultation with the President.
  3. A maximum of two one-year extensions may be granted during the probationary period, except further extensions may be granted as required by law.
  4. Chancellors are encouraged to appoint a faculty committee to review and offer advice on requests for extensions of the probationary period. The Chancellor will submit a report to the President in June of each year which will include a listing of all requests submitted and requests granted during the prior academic year.
  5. Extension of a faculty member's probationary period shall have no adverse effect on the tenure decision. A faculty member who has received an extension shall not be prevented from being considered for tenure at an earlier time during the probationary period.
  6. This guideline does not address faculty leave. A faculty member who receives an extension but is not on leave will continue to perform regular duties.

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