Chapter 140: Investments
Collected Rules and Regulations
Chapter 140: Investments - Financial Management
- 140.010 Policy for Management and Oversight of Selected 欧美口爆视频 Investment Pools
- 140.011 Policy for Investment Manager Selection, Monitoring and Retention
- 140.012 Investment Policy for General Pool
- 140.013 Investment Policy for Endowment Pool
- 140.014 Investment Policy for Fixed Income Pool
- 140.015 Investment Policy for Retirement, Disability and Death Benefit Plan
- 140.016 Investment Policy for Other Postemployment Benefits Plan Trust Fund
- 140.017 Policy for Allowable Investments
- 140.020 Financial Planning
- 140.025 Financial Performance and Accountability
- 140.030 Investment Policy for Participant Directed Savings Plans